Language I/O Releases Gaming Industry Findings
Language I/O (LIO), powering meaningful conversations between global organisations and their customers, announced the findings of a joint survey with Nimdzi Insights. Localisation and accurate translation of gaming terms is key for the gaming industry, as 45 per cent of the sector’s total revenues come from international sales with players in all languages coming together. […]

Language I/O (LIO), powering meaningful conversations between global organisations and their customers, announced the findings of a joint survey with Nimdzi Insights. Localisation and accurate translation of gaming terms is key for the gaming industry, as 45 per cent of the sector’s total revenues come from international sales with players in all languages coming together.
Key trends from the report include:
User-Generated Content (UGC) – UGC plays an important role in the global gaming industry in player support services as well as in live chats during online games, player feedback from social media or blog reviews.
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Belén Agulló García, Ph.D. VP of learning and Lead Media Researcher, Nimdzi Insights shared, “Gamers speak their own language. Their messages are full of Internet jargon, gamer jargon, game terms that are not actual words and sometimes include spelling or grammar mistakes. That’s the perfect recipe to get a terrible and non-sensical MT output. And yet, MT is widely used for localising player support tickets, emails, players’ feedback, among other UGC content.”
Advent of 5G – As 5G becomes more prominent it will open doors to new innovations and technologies in the gaming industry. Cloud gaming, which allows users to play on any device through a subscription model, is predicted to increase from $356 million in 2020 to $3.2 billion in 2023.
Localisation through Language – Currently $750 million is spent in the gaming industry on localisation, with this number expected to significantly increase in 2024 to between $1.1 billion and $1.8 billion. Customised machine learning-based MT delivers the most accurate translation for UGC.