Intradiem Adds Solution to Predict Contact Centre Agent Attrition

Currently, the solution predicts churn accurately 80% of the time, but with refinements and model training in progress, Intradiem expects it to increase to 90% or more by 2024.

Reading Time: 3 mins 


  • Intradiem, a provider of contact centre automation solutions, is introducing an artificial intelligence-powered solution to quantify agent burnout and predict the risk of attrition at the agent level.

    Using its real-time contact centre data, Intradiem’s AI model measures the data against expectations or past performance in real time and designates each agent’s burnout risk assessment on its dashboard. Once an agent is identified as an attrition risk, the tool alerts a supervisor and provides recommendations to reduce the risk of them resigning. 

    These recommendations range from initiating conversations to deploying additional training, coaching, surprise wellness breaks, or other actions, many of which can be automatically scheduled or delivered through Intradiem.

    Currently, the solution predicts churn accurately 80% of the time, but with refinements and model training in progress, Intradiem expects it to increase to 90% or more by 2024.

    “With Intradiem’s extensive amount of real-time data and our talented team of developers and industry experts, we can bring powerful AI solutions to contact centres’ most critical and enduring challenges,” said Intradiem CEO Matt McConnell in a statement. “This is a genuine breakthrough with benefits that will ripple through the entire customer service delivery chain, from agents to operations to customers.”

    It’s estimated that agent attrition averages between 40% and 70% annually, with some organisations turning over their entire agent populations each year. And, replacing a single agent can cost anywhere from $20,000 to $35,000, according to Intradiem data.

    “Agent attrition is always a pressing issue for contact centre leaders. It’s costly to find, hire, and train agents, and a lack of experienced employees can negatively impact customers,” said Robin Gareiss, CEO and principal analyst of Metrigy, in a statement. 

    “Intradiem’s solution helps to retain what are among the most valuable employees companies have: those who know the customer. By using Intradiem to identify agents who are at risk of leaving the company and immediately taking actions to remediate, companies will save money and enjoy happier agents.”


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