Google Adsense Debuts Innovative Ad Intents Feature

This new format requires no third-party cookies to show relevant ads, overlays Search results over the page after clicking the viewed link. 

Reading Time: 3 min  


  • Google AdSense released a new format for websites that converts existing text on a site into a shortcut for Google Search.

    According to Google, Ad intent is an intent-driven format that places links and anchors into existing text and pages on related content. When a user interacts with a link or anchor, it opens a dialogue that shows users relevant, organic search results with ads and can help to increase their earnings. Ad intents show highly relevant ads that don’t rely on third-party cookies.

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    The “ad intents” in Google AdSense places links into existing text on a webpage which can launch into Google Search. This new format, which requires no third-party cookies to show relevant ads, overlays Search results over the page after clicking the viewed link.


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