Customer Experience Workshops

18th April, 2024 | Cape Town | 08:30 am - 12:30 pm

About the Workshops

Workshop 1: 6 Steps to Creating a Robust Customer Experience Strategy Framework (90 minutes)

The workshop will provide customer experience design pointers that help you get to know your customers and what they need. When a brand hits the sweet spot, it creates a memorable experience that keeps customers returning!

Key Takeaways

This session will leave you with a clear understanding of a 6-step practical framework (which includes Brand DNA, Your People, Communication, Feedback and Measures, Enablers, and Customer Journey Mapping) to develop and implement a robust CX Strategy to build a truly client/customer-centric business to ensure a healthy bottom-line impact.

Workshop 2:

What is Customer Journey Mapping, and why is it essential to creating exceptional client experiences? (90 minutes) 

Covering the why, what, and how of Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) – this highly interactive session will give your cross-functional team the essential tools needed to get the ultimate “outside-in” view of how clients and customers see your business through Customer Journey Mapping. 

Key Takeaways

Attendees will walk away with the basic principles of Customer Journey Mapping, Customer Personas, and Expectations that they can immediately implement in their own business to map out your clients’ and customers’ touch points including the pain points and moments of truth.

Past Speakers

Nathalie Schooling Founder and CEO
Brendon Bairstow-Klopper Managing Director


08:30 AM

09:00 AM
6 Steps to Creating a Robust Customer Experience Strategy Framework

This intensive workshop is designed to help you develop and implement a robust CX Strategy, while building a truly client/customer-centric business to ensure a healthy bottom-line impact.

  • Introduction and Overview
  • The CX Formula for Success
  • Brand DNA
  • Your People
  • Communication
  • Feedback and Measures
  • Enablers
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Q&A and Discussion
  • Wrap-Up and Next Steps
Nathalie Schooling Founder and CEO
Brendon Bairstow-Klopper Managing Director
10:30 AM
Tea & Networking
11:00 AM
What is Customer Journey Mapping, and why is it essential to creating exceptional client experiences?

Covering the why, what, and how of Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) – this highly interactive session will give your cross-functional team the essential tools needed to get the ultimate "outside-in" view of how clients and customers see your business through Customer Journey Mapping. 

  • Introduction and Overview
  • Understanding Customer Journey Mapping
  • What CJM is not
  • Customer Personas
  • The Journey Spine
  • Touch Points
  • Expectations and Emotions
  • Pain points and Moments of Truth
  • Interactive practical Session on Heartbeat Mapping
  • How to take this into your business
Nathalie Schooling Founder and CEO
Brendon Bairstow-Klopper Managing Director
12:30 PM
Lunch & Networking


Cape Town

Cape Town, South Africa

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