Martech Huddle - Emerging Opportunities for Enhanced Campaign Performance

Martech Huddle

Martechvibe & Adwake | Emerging Opportunities for Enhanced Campaign Performance | 5 June, 2024 | Hilton Dubai Palm Jumeirah | Dubai

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Emerging Opportunities for Enhanced Campaign Performance


What is a Martech Huddle?

It is an initiative by Martechvibe in association with Adwake. 

Martech Huddle is specially designed to engage customer-experience and digital marketing leaders who have revolutionised brands by using technology as a catalyst. It focuses on a group of carefully selected industry stalwarts, bringing them together to participate in an exclusive closed-door session. The selected professionals bring a variety of viewpoints, experiences, and domain expertise, but they all share the vision of transforming businesses by enhancing the customer experience while utilising technology and new digital methods. The huddle encourages open discussions among peers resulting in a better strategy roadmap for organisations. In the age of building peer-exchange resources, these gatherings form a community of like-minded business leaders working to explore insights, ideas and best practices.

About this Edition

In the dynamic landscape of digital advertising, the quest for enhanced campaign performance is perpetual. With evolving consumer behaviours and emerging technologies, advertisers face the dual challenge of optimising their current strategies while exploring novel avenues for growth. Marketers must focus on comprehensive evaluation. 

Assessing the strengths, weaknesses, and audience reach of established ad networks forms the bedrock of effective campaign planning. And recognising the inherent risks associated with overreliance on a single ad network, strategic diversification becomes imperative. This diversification strategy extends beyond ad networks to encompass a variety of media sources, ensuring optimal return on ad spend (ROAS) and fostering organic uplift.

In a landscape characterised by constant innovation, the identification of emerging ad networks is crucial. Once identified, integrating these emerging platforms into the advertising strategy allows advertisers to access niche audiences and explore new market opportunities. 

Where does the outcome-based approach fit in? In contrast to traditional models focused solely on impressions or clicks, an outcome-based model emphasises tangible results. By aligning campaign objectives with specific outcomes such as conversions or sales, advertisers establish a direct correlation between ad spend and business impact. This iterative approach ensures efficient allocation of resources and maximise ROI. 

In a landscape characterised by constant evolution and intense competition, the pursuit of enhanced campaign performance requires a proactive and adaptive approach. 


08:00 AM
Registration & Networking

08:20 AM
Welcome Address by Martechvibe
08:25 AM
Opening Remarks by Adwake
08:30 AM
Discussion Starts
09:30 AM
Final Remarks


Hilton Dubai Palm Jumeirah


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